Returning to USA

In 1997 I worked in Monterrey Mexico for a company based in New York. I was part of the planning and development group and helped with all legal matters to establish a company in Mexico, I was later offered the position of operations manager for the Mexico office. I gladly accepted. In 1998 a very hardworking international controller from NY came to help implement audit procedures for the Mexico operation. While he was there he not  only audited  my operation, he also stole my heart. In August of 2000 I married the Controller.

I moved to New York where we started our life together.  I am very blessed  to be part of a family that  not only received me with open arms, they have accepted my Mexican traditions and are now a big part of them. My salsas and dishes became a staple at every family and friend gathering. They were a big influence  in this crazy dream of mine……to start my own business.  

After having my children I never went back to work in the corporate world , but I always had part time jobs that allowed me to be near and  accessible to my children if they needed me . You see we are blessed with 3 beautiful children, one of whom has Autism. He will soon age out of school. This situation gave me the motivation to start a business so that in the future my son can help me and have a job. And that my friends is how Salsa Wallito was born.


Salsa Wallito Available at Whole Foods Market Brighton NY Rochester Store


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